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Showdown Tournament

European Championship (EC) 2022

12.12.2022 - 18.12.2022


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Statistics - Team France

Team France

Matches: 3
Points +/-: 1 : 2
Sets +/-: -1 | 1 : 2
Goals +/-: -5 | 76 : 81


MNr Time/Date T G Pairing Points Sets Goals Results
8317:00 | 15.12.20223CTeam Finland - Team France1:0 1:0 31:17 31:17
14814:45 | 16.12.20226HTeam France - Team Italy1:0 1:0 32:18 32:18
15316:30 | 16.12.20226PLACE 5-6Team Czech Republic - Team France1:0 1:0 32:27 32:27


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