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Showdown Tournament

Nord / West Qualifikation Damen 2019


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Statistics - Brigitte Otto-Lange

Brigitte Otto-Lange (Moers)

Matches: 8
Points +/-: 4 : 4
Sets +/-: 1 | 10 : 9
Goals +/-: 10 | 180 : 170


MNr Time/Date T G Pairing Points Sets Goals Results
611:303BPetra Welsing (PAD) - Brigitte Otto-Lange (MOE)0:1 1:2 32:35 12:15, 11:8, 9:12
1112:302BLivia Hecker (VIE) - Brigitte Otto-Lange (MOE)0:1 0:2 8:23 2:12, 6:11
1613:301BBrigitte Otto-Lange (MOE) - Erika Nolle (BRA)1:0 2:0 23:12 12:6, 11:6
2214:301BBrigitte Otto-Lange (MOE) - Ivonne Wächter (HAM)0:1 1:2 24:30 9:12, 11:7, 4:11
2915:302BBrigitte Otto-Lange (MOE) - Dagmar Hahn (VIE)1:0 2:0 23:12 12:5, 11:7
3717:291PLATZ 1-4Eliane Exner (DüS) - Brigitte Otto-Lange (MOE)1:0 2:0 23:11 12:7, 11:4
4117:301PLATZ 1-4Ivonne Wächter (HAM) - Brigitte Otto-Lange (MOE)1:0 2:1 30:24 12:9, 7:11, 11:4
4818:453PLATZ 1-4Maren Grübnau (DOR) - Brigitte Otto-Lange (MOE)1:0 2:0 23:17 12:9, 11:8


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